Let the Storm Break Sky Fall Book 2 eBook Shannon Messenger

Let the Storm Break Sky Fall Book 2 eBook Shannon Messenger
Shannon Messenger chooses the prettiest titles and has some amazing covers that go well with her Let the Sky Fall series. And as a reviewer, I try my best (and mostly fail) to never judge a book by its cover and with Let the Storm Break I completely disregarded just how lovey dovey the cover is and hoped for a ton of action and great main characters unlike what happened in the first book. Did I get the awesome main characters I was hoping for?Heck no!
When a book is four hundred pages, I expect a lot to happen. I expect a ton of action and character development and some romance. Let the Storm Break could have been cut down at least by a quarter because most of the book is just romance and nothing more. I was expecting a lot more character development and a LOT less Romance. Everything just focuses on the relationship between Audra and Vane and how much they love each other and need each other. I’ve never read such a love-sick guy in my life. Honestly, Vane, grow a pair before I slap you. His humour is also very contrived, I had a hard time believing a word that he said with his crappy sarcasm. Everything is still predictable, I knew what would happen in the end after only reading about a quarter of the novel which is sad because I was hoping that Messenger would still have a few tricks up her sleeve.
This series has very short chapters as well as smooth writing that helps makes the characters more bearable to read about. I enjoyed reading about the new characters that Messenger brings into Let the Storm Break especially Gus, who’s good-natured humour. There isn’t very much information on the different winds except for what we were told in the first book but I stilled loved this aspect of it. The Westerly language is amazing, their hope and faith and just heritage is so lovely and I felt whenever a westerly wind helps out Vane or Audra, that I was really excited.
Overall, Let the Storm Break is a disappointment. Rarely does a second novel beat out the first one for me, but I had really low expectations for this one. Honestly, all I wanted was less romance not more of it. However if you’re a fan of the romance taking over the plot then you will really like this novel. The idea of it is so captivating with the winds and how they’re all different yet so connected is the only reason why I’ll read the next book. Honestly.

Tags : Let the Storm Break (Sky Fall Book 2) - Kindle edition by Shannon Messenger. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Let the Storm Break (Sky Fall Book 2).,ebook,Shannon Messenger,Let the Storm Break (Sky Fall Book 2),Simon Pulse,Fantasy - Contemporary,Legends, Myths, Fables - General,Romance - Paranormal,Becca Fitzpatrick; Kiersten White; paranormal romance; sylphs; wind; fantasy; clean teen,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fantasy - Contemporary,Fiction-Romance,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionFantasy & Magic,Juvenile FictionLegends, Myths, Fables - General,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Legends, Myths, & Fables - General,Legends, Myths, Fables - General,Love,Love & Romance,Love stories,Man-woman relationships,Monograph Series, any,Orphans,Paranormal fiction,Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage),Romance - Paranormal,Spirits,Spirits;Fiction.,Storms,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,United States,Winds,Winds;Fiction.,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy Contemporary,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Legends, Myths, Fables General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Paranormal,Young Adult Fiction,Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,Juvenile FictionFantasy & Magic,Juvenile FictionLegends, Myths, Fables - General,Legends, Myths, & Fables - General,Love & Romance,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy Contemporary,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Legends, Myths, Fables General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Paranormal,Young Adult Fiction,Love stories,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage)
Let the Storm Break Sky Fall Book 2 eBook Shannon Messenger Reviews
This review is based upon a free ARC copy, which in no way affected my opinion.
Let the Storms Break is the second book of Shannon Messenger’s Sky Fall series. The first book is Let the Sky Fall.
I’m a big fan of “elemental” type stories, although these are a bit different. In fact, I’ve never read anything that handles sylphs (air spirits) in anything but a passing manner. Not only are these beings able to manipulate how the wind blows, but each is part of one of four families representing Easterly, Northerly, Southerly, and Westerly winds. They are able to call the winds and weave them into shields and weapons as well as facilitate flight.
In the first book, Vane Weston discovers he’s a sylph and has been protected by Audra from those that seek to capture Vane since he’s the last Westerly and has been protected as the sylph king because of this. His enemies want the power of all four winds. Vane might be in love with Audra, but he has very little interest in being king or learning to fight.
Book two continues after Audra’s mother betrays all the good winds and the battle nears with the evil Raiden and his follower. Vane learns more of his strength while fighting to stay true to himself and save his adopted family and friends. This book is non-stop action and Messenger does an awesome job weaving sylph powers to unique weapons, both offensive and defensive. We meet new sylphs and learn more about the enemy Raiden who wants not only the power of the four winds, but to control and break all others through pain.
One thing I particularly enjoyed in this book was Vane’s voice. Perfect teenager being pushed to do something he doesn’t agree with. But he still managed to learn and grow and make good decisions. I look forward to his continued development in the next book.
Let the Storms Break ends with the ultimate battle still waging and the reader wanting more of Vane and Audra’s story, so you’ll have to wait for book three. I thoroughly enjoyed the first two books and recommend readers to read the Let the Sky Fall first. You will love both and be eagerly waiting for the next as I was. You’ll never think about a wind storm the same way!
I LOVED book 1 in this series, and consequently pounced on book 2. Within a page or two, everything came back to me all the romance, the sadness, the overwhelming odds stacked against Vane and Audra. Before I knew it, I was swept away once again.
A common pitfall for sequels, for me, is that they often lose track of the main characters' relationship, or they have plots that lag. In this book, Messenger keep us tightly connected to Vane and Audra as she kicks up the plot- and it works. The bad guys get worse, the storms get nastier, and a new character keeps you guessing about whether she is or isn't trustworthy.
Audra lacked a sense of self-worth in book 1, in favor of a willingness to serve as a Gale. In book 2 she works on developing her identity independent of her duty. This is much-needed plot thread, and provides complications that amp up the conflict.
Vane is, understandably, struggling with how much of his humanity he can hold onto while learning about his true place in a very non-human society. He also struggles with Audra's absence, and just how little he can do, as a passive Western sylph, about the awful things that are going on around him.
The big fight scene at the end- take your time while reading. It's worth savoring the description and dialogue. I remember just dying to learn what happened, and speeding through much of the scene. I shortchanged myself in doing so; don't make the same mistake.
This ending. . . good gravy. This ending will put you into a knot, because you don't get resolution for this cliff hanger for another year! It's a sweet kind of agony, for sure; the best kind of frustrating. Let me know if it has you chewing your nails, too.
Shannon Messenger chooses the prettiest titles and has some amazing covers that go well with her Let the Sky Fall series. And as a reviewer, I try my best (and mostly fail) to never judge a book by its cover and with Let the Storm Break I completely disregarded just how lovey dovey the cover is and hoped for a ton of action and great main characters unlike what happened in the first book. Did I get the awesome main characters I was hoping for?
Heck no!
When a book is four hundred pages, I expect a lot to happen. I expect a ton of action and character development and some romance. Let the Storm Break could have been cut down at least by a quarter because most of the book is just romance and nothing more. I was expecting a lot more character development and a LOT less Romance. Everything just focuses on the relationship between Audra and Vane and how much they love each other and need each other. I’ve never read such a love-sick guy in my life. Honestly, Vane, grow a pair before I slap you. His humour is also very contrived, I had a hard time believing a word that he said with his crappy sarcasm. Everything is still predictable, I knew what would happen in the end after only reading about a quarter of the novel which is sad because I was hoping that Messenger would still have a few tricks up her sleeve.
This series has very short chapters as well as smooth writing that helps makes the characters more bearable to read about. I enjoyed reading about the new characters that Messenger brings into Let the Storm Break especially Gus, who’s good-natured humour. There isn’t very much information on the different winds except for what we were told in the first book but I stilled loved this aspect of it. The Westerly language is amazing, their hope and faith and just heritage is so lovely and I felt whenever a westerly wind helps out Vane or Audra, that I was really excited.
Overall, Let the Storm Break is a disappointment. Rarely does a second novel beat out the first one for me, but I had really low expectations for this one. Honestly, all I wanted was less romance not more of it. However if you’re a fan of the romance taking over the plot then you will really like this novel. The idea of it is so captivating with the winds and how they’re all different yet so connected is the only reason why I’ll read the next book. Honestly.

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